Long gone are the days of the five-pound, Tolkien-esque, One Keyring to Rule Them All. Who wants to carry around a bunch of keys, so they can access everything they need to? If a key were compromised, you’d need to change all your locks, which means locksmiths, hardware and new keys. What if there’s a simpler way?
Card access systems are a great way to handle access to your building and other controlled areas. Access rights are managed via computer, which means no more trips to the store for new keys. Perhaps best of all, lost cards can be immediately deactivated, and new cards issued almost as quickly. This means you have total convenience and total control.

Designing a Doorless Card Access System
Nexus Technology Partners embarked on a quest to pioneer an invisible force field checkpoint system, seamlessly blending security measures with modern design elements.

Executive Center Office Park
Nexus used a little ingenuity and out-of-the-box thinking to develop a card-access system that worked for both buildings of Executive Center Office Park.